
Tuesday, September 22, 2009

21st Century Lifelessness

Few funny lines I came across one of my friends' t-shirt:

Our Communication Wireless
Our Business Cashless
Our Telephone Cordless
Our Cooking Fireless
Our Youth Jobless
Our Religion Creedless
Our Food Fatless
Our Faith Godless
Our Labor Effortless
Our Conduct Worthless
Our Relation Loveless
Our Attitude Careless
Our Feelings Heartless
Our Politics Shameless
Our Education Valueless
Our Follies Countless
Our Arguments Baseless
Our Commitment Aimless
Our Poor Voiceless
Our Life Meaningless
Finally, Our Existence – Useless????


:) said...

ur post marvelous

Rajasekhar Kandalam said...

Thanks Santhi!!! That credit goes to two persons - One, the author of those lines and Two, my friend who wore that t-shirt which has these lines :)