Certain moments in life will leave you dumbstruck for hours together. The reasons could vary, but the reaction would be the same. You will not know what to do, what to say or how to feel about it. It would be such a situation, where all your senses would come to a seizure. A total paralysis of mind and it can occur to any person, anytime.
We allow certain persons to step into our lives thinking that they would make a difference (obviously a positive one). If we are lucky, then the climax could be matching with our expectations or could turn the things way too far from our thoughts would take us to.
When such things occur to us, we will be put in a position where we cannot judge which way to choose. Our question would be - to go with it? or to go against it? During such tough times, one should learn that only time can resolve all the unanswered questions. We should keep our spirits high, never let them down. Yes, we can't live in fear, throughout our lives. But sometimes keeping quiet can bring a serene change in our life. It is easier said than done, but only way to go.
The peace of our lives purely depends on our decisions. Decisions can never be good or bad, they are relative to the environment or context where they are made. If our decisions have the ability to influence any other person's life or lives, we should be thorough with our analysis and action. Any slightest tilt in the rationale would spoil the whole picture. Our decisions can be suicidal, but can't be homicidal. Only phoenixes can emerge from their ashes and only few people can do it.
Fear is one such thing in one's life that would make the person totally incapable of doing things that he or she would have done with utmost ease. It will curb the potential of a person without shedding the blood. It disables a person in all the ways possible. Sometimes, we name our fear for someone with the relationship we share with them. One should be mature enough to understand that nobody owns us, no matter whatever the relationship is.
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